On-Line Consulting Services
- Have you ever wished you could get a fast response from an
expert on a question about your project? The Internet and your ordinary e-mail account
makes it possible to do just that. There are computer programs residing on
thousands of servers all over the world that allow individuals to establish
a running dialog with like-minded individuals. The name of this feature
is a "list server" . . . it's a kind of e-mail box that maintains a list of
e-mail addresses for everyone who wishes to participate by "subscribing" to the
- Got a question? Mail it to the appropriate list-server. Check your e-mail.
It's not uncommon to have lots of answers in a matter of hours . . . and they
may originate from anywhere on the surface of the planet!
- A very important set of list servers for the amateur built aviation community
are maintained by Matt Dralle on the computers that host his website. You can
access the index for Matt's clients by
clicking here. For example, there are many models
of amateur built aircraft lists represented on Matt's servers. Building an RV?
Trying to whip a problem with the controls on a Kolb? Questions about your
electrical system or avionics? I especially urge all of our readers to participate
in the Aero-Electric list and any other lists unique to your project.
- The service is free and easy to join . . . it's equally easy to UNjoin too.
Look over the resources available from this unique and valuable service. You
won't find a faster, friendlier way to help you over the bumps along
the road to getting your project airborne.