By Robert L. Nuckolls, III
P.O. Box 130
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Table of Contents for the 12th Edition
Reader Feedback: I do electrical designs for a living and I learned a LOT from this book. If you are planning to wire your own airplane then you MUST buy this book. At $20.00 (1991) it is a wash compared to all the grief that you will save. Besides, Bob spends a bunch of time on the AeroElectric list answering our questions and asks nothing in return. Go buy the book.
P.B. I'm in the process of building a Lancair ES and I'm about 90% done. Over the course of building I have had the experience to read a great deal of information (books, manuals, magazines etc.) on how to get the job done. I wanted to let you know that your AeroElectric Connection was an excellent document and was without question some of the best money I have spent on any of the airplane requirements. I hope that you will continue with your excellent work.
B.L. Received electronic version from Builders Books. I am pleased beyond expectation! I really like the full spectrum treatment. The historical perspectives are excellent. Very nice reading as well as technical reference. J.M. I've joined your list and I managed to pick up an originally packed Turbo CAD version 12 here in Germany for a rather reasonable price from Amazon. Ebay offerings in the states didn't offer an option for overseas shipping. I can't wait to get your CD and get stuck in to the electrics of my project. I've just been burning the midnight oil reading the FAQ's I downloaded from your website. Even though I fly the electronically highly complex Airbus A319/320/321 for a living, I find that there is an enormous amount to be learned from your website. I salute you and thank you once again for the great service you are providing to the homebuilding community. You have certainly deserved your guru status when it comes to taming electrons and putting them to useful work in our homebuilt aircraft. Keep up the good work!
R.S. |
If you have a high speed Internet connection, you may download the book in PDF format by clicking here. But if you like the portability, convenience and random access features of the bound book you can have a paper copy mailed to you. The bound book is probably less expensive and more compact than producing 300+ pages on your own printer and adding the binder. The choice is yours!
At it's inception the AeroElectric Connection was offered as a loose-leaf document for 3-ring binder. This method of printing is became too expensive. Beginning with the 12th edition, the 'Connection is now a perfect bound, paper- back book. If you'd like to convert your bound book to 3-ring binder, most print shops can shear off the binding and 3-hole drill your stack of loose pages for a nominal fee.
USB Drive ContentsIn addition to the Adobe .pdf version of the AeroElectric Connection described above, the USB drive includes a bonus collection of 400+ mBytes of reference materials as follows:
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Over the past 45 years, the 'Connection has shipped about 15 tons of paper around the world at a cost of about $100,000. I'd like to believe that there was good value in that activity. The Connection was offered at $33.00 a copy (+ postage) for a number of years past. A shift to publication on USB-drive offers a means by which production and shipping costs can be controlled thus restraining pressures to raise the selling price. If a "silicon" instead of "paper" book seems a reasonable alternative for you, then the USB-drive may well be a better deal for everyone concerned.
If you have a high speed Internet connection, you may download chapters of the BOOK PORTION only of this thumb-drive by clicking here. If you'd like the convenience of having the total data package mailed to you on one a USB drive you may purchase a drive to be mailed to you.